Saturday 23 June 2012

Egg Waffle shop (雞蛋仔) in Hong Kong

Location: Corner Matheson Street / Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Street corner opposite the clock in Times Square

2 勿地臣街, 銅鑼灣, 香港島, 香港

Image 1: Hong Kong Style Egg Waffle (雞蛋仔) store at the street corner opposite Times Square. The egg waffle is in the centre of the display cabinet.
Unluckily for this guy, I caught him smoking a cigarette whilst preparing the egg waffles with his
right hand. Unfortunately, I didn't whip out my camera in time to catch him in the act. Somehow, in the 5- 10 seconds it took to get out my camera and wait for the crowd to move aside so I could take this picture, he'd put on a glove as well started using serving tongs. Silly guy, I wouldn't have bought from him anyway... they're the most expensive I've seen so far in HK, at HKD$15! Most other places are $12, with 1 place selling them for HKD$6!

Apparently, nowadays these street outlets use powdered egg for cost cutting reasons. Always comes back to the economy. Such a disappointment to find that the world of food has become so tainted to require reliance on dried and processed eggs.

I read somewhere that 雞蛋仔first emerged in HK because there was an excess of eggs so they needed to create a recipe to use them up rather than let them go to waste. I wish this could still be true. However, the academic side of me understands full well the negative impact of increasing animal protein consumption on the global food production and agricultureal environment, which is contributed by the booming Chinese population.

Still, I can't wait to try out the recipe using real eggs with my new 雞蛋仔 pan back home!

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