Thursday 28 June 2012

Lunch: Vegetarian meal at Po Lin (Buddhist) monastery

Location: Po Lin Monastery

Image 1: (Clockwise from top left) Plain white rice, pear soup, bok choi with mushrooms and carrot garnish, stirfry vegetables (cucumber, celery, capsicum/chilli) with tofu, deepfried beancurd sheets wrapped around white raddish, carrot and mushrooms

Really filling, probably due to the sheer size of the meal for 1! Cost a total of HKD65 for entry into the Big Buddha exhibition and for the meal. Entry only into the Big Buddha exhibition was HKD25; buying the meal separately was HKD 65. Not sure how they calculated the prices, but was worth every cent.

1 comment:

  1. oh.... YUM! I take it its all vegetarian? It honestly doesn't look THAT big! But I guess looks can be deceiving.

