Monday 18 June 2012

QANTAS plane food - Melbourne to Hong Kong

Image 1: QANTAS Lunch tray - Melbourne to Sydney

Image 2: Egg noodle with beef and vegetables

Image 3: Salad with balsamic and olive oil mix ; White bread roll with beef from the hot meal (Top right)

Image 4: QANTAS Dinner/Supper tray - Sydney to Hong Kong. Clockwise from top left - Chocolate bar, water, warm mini pizza, fruit salad in juice, UHT milk

Summary of food on these flights from Melbourne to HK, via Sydney: Gross. The pizza was the worst. It was greasy from the cheese, had no taste, and the cucumbers were paper thin, floppy and soggy. Fruit salad was probably the best, not completely fresh but at least it tasted like normal fruit.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL

    The best plane food I got was on the way back from Tokyo - on Singapore airline. I think Singapore Airline seems to have better quality in general. Hahahaha. Pizza... I can imagine.....

    At least the quantity looks decent. :)

