Friday 6 July 2012

Breakfast: Pineapple bun

Image 1: Pineapple bun
Location: 百事吉餅店 Pak See Kut Cake Shop
62 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Ho ng Kong


Disappointment really, explained all in Image 2. As with all Asian style breads, I expected this bun to be soft and springy. I mean, when you bit down, it naturally springs back up to its original height.

Yes, this bread was fresh. I saw it come out of their oven at 3:30 pm when I visited their shop. It was even still warm by the time I walked home.

When I bit down into one of the halves, the bun was compacted at the location of my bite. This was highly unappetising since the more I ate, the more the bun became a compacted piece of dough. By the last bite, I pretty much had a yellow piece of sweet playdough.

The "pineapple-skin" topping was nicely made though. It had that crunchy-sweetness, and looked like a normal pineapple bun.

Never returning to this bakery again. The shop was enticing, the breads look great, the smells were wonderful, but the quality of the bun just doesn't make the grade.

Image 2: No spring back after cutting bun in half - squashed, compacted dough

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