Wednesday 8 May 2013

Pouring custard - light and simple


300 - 350 ml / 1 mug milk (cows light/soy)
1 egg
2 tsp sugar or more according to taste
1 tsp cornflour


1. In a clean, room temp saucepan, pour milk in. Using the smallest gas top, use high heat to slowly warm milk. On a medium gas top, use medium - low heat. Aim is to slowly warm milk, rather than to scald milk quickly. Give milk a quick whisk very so often to make sure milks not burning.

2. Mean while, crack egg into bowl, add sugar and whisk as much as possible. Until frothy would be ideal.

3. When milk is starting to froth up/ small light bubbles on whisking, pour 2tb - 1/4 cup into egg mixture to temper the egg. Return pan to flame whilst quickly whisking egg mixture.

4. Pour the tempered egg mixture in with the rest of the milk in the pan. Keep on low/med heat. Aim is to heat slowly. Continuously whisk to ensure smoothness of sauce. Custard will thicken slightly. If happy with thickness turn off heat and pour out into a bowl immediately to stop it from getting thicker.

5. If need a thicker custard, take 1 tsp cornflour and mix with 1 tb water. Mix to to dissolve corn flour into a solution. Add to custard whilst still on gas flame, whisking the sauce whilst adding in. Corn flour will thicken sauces only in presence of heat. Do not add corn flour directly to hot liquid/sauce. Repeat with more cornflour if want it thicker. When ready, turn off heat and pour out into a bowl immediately to stop it from getting thicker.

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